A question frequently asked of authors is what books would you recommend? While it is a perfectly reasonable question for one person to ask of another person, this is a question I often fumble over. Usually, I will spit out a list of titles and authors while hurling questions for guidance from my inquirer… which is a response that generally seems to leave most confused and regretting the inquiry. To prevent myself the embarrassment of continuing to answer people this way, I have created this list of my recommendations and reflections on why I think they’re words worth reading. To say it is a comprehensive list would be a lie. The truth is, there are hundreds of books I think are worthwhile recommendations and I simply can’t name them all. Also, I want to acknowledge that I know I will never have the pleasure of coming across many works which are superb works more than deserving of being read and celebrated.
The God of Small Things, Arundhati Roy - A novel of stunning beauty that fearlessly tackles the multifaceted nature of human existence.
The Color Purple, Alice Walker - Characters of great strength and resilience are brought to life and given immediate voice, which offers invaluable lesson and heals hearts of those willing to listen, in Walker’s best known work of fiction
The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood - A warning call to us all that reads as chillingly pertinent to our times despite its publication over 50 years ago.
Halfbreed, Maria Campbell - Campbell courageously instigates the process of decolonizing our thinking by sharing her life story with unflinching honesty and truth, which offers insights and intimate reflections on her lived experience of growing up with an intersectional identity (Metis, woman) in Canada.
My library of books behind me.