Spencer and his studio are taking the rest of the holiday season to spend time with friends and family this year. We are wishing you all the best in the future and hope that the season is full of wonder and joy for everyone.
Artisan Crayons Now Available At CVAG
The hand-made, artisan crayons Spencer has been busy laboring over for the last year are now available in box sets and individually at the Comox Valley Art Gallery’s Shop: Made. You can visit their location in person to bring some of these beautiful drawing tools home with you at 580 Duncan Avenue Courtenay, BC.
This is the second location to hold Spencer’s crayons, outside of his own online store. CVAG (Comox Valley Art Gallery) now joins the Local Artisan in Powell River/Qauthet Region’s Townsite Market in offering these little sculptures for people to enjoy and make art with.
Some new locations are slated to be carrying these little gems! Keep checking back here to see where else you may be able to pick up your own set of crayons made by Spencer in the near future!
Launching Digital Bookstore on Gumroad.com
Now available on Gumroad.com are ePubs of Spencer’s writing. Made easy to access and own, these digital editions of his work seek to bridge the gaps and fill in the spaces where pieces of his work have become difficult to find.
On the day of the store launch this post was uploaded on the shop’s associated blog:
“Hello Friends!
I am now going to be selling some writing and art as ePubs through the gumroad.com platform. While there are some ePubs available for sale on my website spencersheehankalina.ca, there are also a number of other pieces of work I couldn't make available on my website's online store. I wanted a place where I could make more of my ePub projects available for people to acquire and explore. Gumroad.com seemed like the perfect platform to help me in doing that, thus my Digital ePub Bookstore was born!”
Visit the store by clicking here: spencersheehankalina.gumroad.com
Launching New Online Store
Now work is being sold on this website, directly from the artist to you! The first piece made available was an etching that is dated 2020, titled Experiment. It seemed appropriate that this was the first piece, given the title. More work will follow soon!
Attending Holiday Markets
Spencer Sheehan Kalina will be attending select markets and craft fairs this season. He is hoping to have the opportunity to meet his community members, other creativities, and old friends and family. If you happen to be there, say hello! He loves it when people come to see him and say hi! If you’re interested in connecting, here is a current list of where he’ll be sharing his work:
November 25, Gold River, 6pm to 8pm, The Gold River Community Centre
November 26, Gold River, 10am to 2pm, The Gold River Community Centre
December 9, Qualicum, 10am - 4pm, The Old School House Centre
December 10, Qualicum, 10am - 4pm, The Old School House Centre
Away On Medical Leave
Right now Spencer Sheehan Kalina is away on medical leave due to health complications. While we will still be operating, things will have delays and a different work flow, so we can accommodate Spencer’s health concerns. We thank you, in advance, for your patience as we walk through these challenging times.
For more information read his blog post about it here.
Updates to Website
Hello Friends,
This website is going through some big changes. Content is being added, refined and edited out. . I’m hoping that these new changes will help make browsing through this website more easy, fun and informative. The changes happening here are part of a larger online rebranding effort where I hope to be able to bring the work I do to people in a more streamlined way. So, as things continue to roll out, I will keep you all posted about those moves here on this blog. For now, however, I hope this blog post finds you well and that you find all the changes coming along here for the better.
Keeping you posted,