Returning to Social Media

A bit earlier in the month I wrote about how I was updating my website. As part of that I am also dipping back into doing the Social Media grind. Back in 2019, I decided that I was taking a break from Social Media and went on to delete or not utilize many accounts that I was active on. Today, with me opening a new account on Twitter, I suppose that break is coming to an end. While it feel good to be back on social media platforms, conversely, there are also a lot of complicated feelings that come with it. I hope to address some of those here.

Each thing that I make or write comes out of an art practice that is deeply personal and centred on my own process of truth telling. Due to this, my work can not take into account multiple realities and narratives. Sometimes this may cause people to feel left out, upset, angry, excluded, or unvalidated. That is not my intention; In sharing my personal truth, I always hope that others will be able to take what is relevant and useful to them before walking away, a bit richer for having spent the time engaging with my work even if it seems drastically different from their own personal narrative. I never make art with the hope of causing upset, ill feelings or harm.

Here is a list of accounts that I will be returning to or have recently established:

Personal Instagram
Studio Instagram