Making Announcements

I’m working on cleaning up my website. In doing so, I am making this blog. Here is where I am going to informally share some of the thoughts, messes, scribbles and whatever else I come across while toiling away in the studio on my work.

Like for many others, self-promotion is often an uncomfortable thing for me to partake in. For that reason, I often avoid doing things like keeping a personal blog. This said, I recently had a conversation with my partner where he emphatically informed me that much of people’s lives are spent online now and that I just need to get over it. Begrudgingly, I am following his advice and returning to the process of sharing work with others online.

While I was more active online in the past, it was during the Covid19 pandemic outbreak that I decidedly took myself offline since I was left feeling overwhelmed. This said, I was surely not as active as my intentions are now to be. So, now, I step into my goal of becoming a consummate blogger and I begin with this first blog post here.