Rainbow: The Roy G BIv Archive
Rainbow: The Roy G BIV Archive
A thematic gathering of work that focuses on exploring the use of rainbows as a symbol utilized by and for the LGBTQ+ community.
In 2025 the Rainbow: Roy G BIV Archive launched a digital holding space, a blog published on blogger.com, available at the url https://theroygbivarchiverainbow.blogspot.com.
Chasing Rainbows
Chasing Rainbows is a series of artworks, made by the curator and archivist, derived from the creative research undertaken to develop the foundation of the archive.
Collating Colours
In 2025 the archive took on a number of different approaches to continuing to develop and share its repository. The development of programs such as a creative-research lab, a publicly available digital holding space, public reading room and exhibition.